Rory Hiltbrand


Rory received his doctorate in Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine from Daoist Traditions College of Chinese Medical Arts. While at Daoist Traditions Rory focused on headaches, orthopedics, anxiety, and emotional imbalances. Additionally, Rory spent a semester treating stroke patients at Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine Teaching Hospital. Rory also holds a Bachelor of Science in Mathematical Economics from the University of Richmond. While at Richmond, Rory did Chaos Theory Research for the NSF. Rory has a profound passion for understanding the nature of reality and humanity’s place within it. Rory actively trains in Brazilian Ju Jitsu and finds grounding and peace of mind through martial arts. Online courses available through Healthy Seminars.
4 Lessons

Daoist Cosmology: The Spiritual Science – June 2024

January 1, 1970 - January 1, 1970

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Last activity on March 30, 2024